There is quite a lot of mythology regarding the dreaded root canal floating around in our society, but much of it is either outdated or entirely untrue. Today, we will debunk many of the root canal therapy myths and the fear they cause patients everywhere when their dentist suggests the treatment.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

Save Your Teeth

The biggest myth about root canals is that they are optional. Unfortunately, many patients nationwide opt to not have any treatment based upon a lack of pain, fear of cost, or the misconception that tooth removal is somehow better. At Bitterroot Dental, we always suggest saving your actual teeth for optimal bite and comfort; root canal therapy is a definitive way to keep your tooth. Without the therapy, your tooth is doomed for removal, leaving you with a dangerous gap or sub-optimal implant.

Root Canal Therapy Pain

Thanks to advancements in technology and anesthetic administration, root canal therapy has become nearly equivalent in all ways to a standard filling. Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic that makes the procedure nearly painless. Plus, the procedure can often be completed in a single procedure. While the common myth is that root canals are extremely painful and should be avoided at all costs, the reality is far less dramatic, involving little-to-no pain or lingering feelings beyond the numbness of anesthetic.

Short-Term vs Long-Term

One strange myth is that root canals are somehow temporary and often lead to tooth removal, which is entirely wrong. Not only are root canals considered the best, most recommended long-term solution for your oral health when facing deep tooth decay, but the alternative treatments (or lack thereof) are considered the actual short-term solution. By opting to instead remove the tooth, you open your mouth and gums up to a host of all-new problems that may have been avoided with root canal therapy.

The Illness Myth

There really isn’t much to say about the myth surrounding root canals causing illness, yet we hear patients consistently share that as a hesitation for the treatment. Of all myths surrounding root canals, this is by far the most false. This myth began sometime in the 1920s with a single doctor promoting tooth extraction over root canal therapy, an assertion that has yet to be backed by scientific evidence or study in any way. Some 90 years later, dentists still perform root canal therapy whenever possible to safely save their patients’ teeth.

Contact Bitterroot Dental

We hope this blog helped to put some fears and concerns you may have regarding root canal therapy to rest. By opting to take part in this treatment whenever necessary, you can save your teeth and greatly improve your overall oral health with negligible discomfort. If you have any questions, please contact our staff to talk further about your concerns regarding root canal therapy or any other dental procedure; we’re happy to be of help!

Schedule your appointment with our friendly Missoula dentistry today!