Do you think your bite is off?

t_scan_iiiIf your bite is unbalanced or misaligned, you could suffer from:

  • Headaches
  • Jaw soreness
  • Inability to open widely or move your jaw to both sides
  • Lack of comfortable biting pressure
  • Neck or back pain, sensitive teeth
  • Gum recession
  • Tooth wear
  • Fractures or teeth
  • Chipping of fillings and crowns
  • Notches forming at the base of teeth

The T-Scan Occlusal Analysis System (T-Scan) is an advanced diagnostic device that allows us to better analyze your bite and prevent problems. You simply bite down on a thin sensor and the computer software displays the timing of contact and levels of force you generate in a small movie. It will show you and Dr. Duke your bite from beginning to end and all that is happening in between. This will allow us to visualize problem areas before you leave the office that day.

If you bite needs balancing (equilibration), the T-Scan maps exact location needing adjustment with pinpoint accuracy. By checking your bite throughout the equilibration, Dr. Duke knows exactly where and how much to balance.

You simply bite down on a thin sensorand the software displays the timing of contacts andlevels of force in a dynamic movie. It will show yourbite from beginning to end and all that is happeningin between. This will allow us to immediately visualizeproblem areas before you leave the office that da
Dr. Duke is the only dentist in the Missoula area that is trained and utilizes this advanced bite system. Call us now to see how a quick, painless bite check can improve your bite, protect your teeth and free you from pain.
