Parents routinely struggle with teaching children proper dental habits that will translate into lifelong oral health. Your friendly, local Missoula dentist at Bitterroot Dental has some key tips and techniques that can help to engage children of all ages with their own oral health.

dreamstime_xxl_43893109Start Young

As with any habit, the earlier you begin to reinforce the importance of oral health, the more likely positive habits are to stick. Here are the keys to keeping oral health a positive habit at home, even from a young age:

  1. Don’t make it a chore
  2. Reward, don’t bribe
  3. Always be consistent
  4. Set a good example
  5. Show the importance of regular dentist visits

The most important aspects of success are to not make their oral health feel like an us vs. them situation. If your child feels like brushing their teeth or coming to the dentist is a chore that they are forced or coerced into doing, then they are less likely to start and continue healthy oral habits into adulthood.

Involve Them

Often, the simplest answers have the most success. We’ve seen parents let their kids pick the date of their next appointment, even 6 months away. This makes going to the dentist feel like their decision, not yours or ours. Once your children approach teenage years, you can teach them to set their own dentist appointments, and hold them accountable for ensuring appointments are scheduled. Additionally, by encouraging a healthy relationship with their family dentist, you can create a bond between patient and dentist that enables trust and confidence in dental appointments.

Start Today

The first step lies in finding a family dentist that works for your family. In Missoula, that means visiting dentist David B. Duke at Bitterroot Dental. 

Schedule your family’s appointment with our general dentistry today!