Just about every parent understands the importance of having their children brush their teeth, however many do not ensure that their children know the correct way to effectively brush their teeth. While many parents believe that they are teaching their children effective oral habits, the reality is that many parents were not trained properly themselves as children, and could actually pass on less-than-ideal techniques to their children. By ensuring that your brushing knowledge is up to snuff, you will greatly increase your child’s foundational knowledge, setting them up for healthy oral habits for life.

Don’t Take Their Word For It

Prior to even investigating proper brushing techniques, it is important for parents to understand that their children will not see the long-term significance of proper brushing on their own. In fact, most pediatric dentists advise that parents closely teach, monitor, and assist with brushing until about age 7 or 8. To some this may sound simple enough, but many parents fall into the rut of using tooth brushing time as a short respite before the real song and dance routine that comes with putting their child to bed or getting them ready for the day. The fact of the matter is that tooth brushing comes at the most chaotic points in the day for parents of young children, and can actually be quite difficult to monitor. Be sure to ask your family dentist questions about potential trouble spots that your child is not meeting, and ensure that your child’s brushing habits are adjusted to address the issue.

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The first step to improving your child’s dental habits is to ensure they have everything they need for great oral health. First and foremost, you should find a family dentist nearby, and build a healthy relationship that can help you for years to come. Next, ensure that your child is using a toothbrush with soft bristles and a fluoride toothpaste. This is recommended for brushers of all ages, but especially important for younger brushers for a couple of reasons:

  • Soft bristles are much easier on teeth, as hard bristles can actually damage tooth enamel over time. Since kiddos are still new to their permanent teeth, it is very important to ensure they use only soft bristled brushes, and continue that habit beyond childhood brushes
  • Fluoride toothpastes are strongly recommended for their strengthening properties. The fluoride helps prevent and control tooth decay, and should also be used beyond childhood. Do not be fooled or lured in by sugary toothpastes marketed toward children. Children can use “adult” toothpaste at any age provided they are not swallowing large amounts of it.
  • Teaching your child to speak candidly with a pediatric dentist can help them avoid fear or reservation about the dentist’s office throughout life. The best resource your child will have for oral health throughout their life is your family dentist!

For more information on forming great childhood brushing habits, check out Part 2 of this series.

Bitterroot Dental, Missoula’s Top Rated Local® family dentist, and a trusted local pediatric dentistry practice. Check out our Special Offers, or Schedule An Appointment today at 406-203-9924!