1. “What Should I Do If A Permanent Tooth Falls Out?” Your Missoula Dentist Weighs-In

    Getting a tooth knocked out is not just a frightening and upsetting experience, it’s also the worst scenario possible in many folk’s minds. The proper term for a knocked-out tooth is an “avulsed” tooth and you’re right to stress about it as it’s one of the most serious dental emergencies in the book. That being said, while it’s serious, it’s hardly irreversible. The damage can be f…Read More

  2. George Washington’s Dentistry

    An Early Example of Cosmetic Dentistry: George Washington Sometimes, genetics are completely responsible for ruined teeth. Coincidentally, this is what ailed the first President of the United States. George Washington was known for his valor, his honor, his overall military prowess, and his horrible teeth. Of course, 18th-century dentistry didn’t encourage teeth brushing or anything in the way o…Read More

  3. Emergency Dentist: A Story Of Urgency – Part 2

    This is a tale of urgency.  This is the second volume in the "Story of Urgency."  If you happened to miss our first part of the series, please read it here: Emergency Dentist: A Story of Urgency- Volume 1. Have you ever been in a scenario where immediate dental help is needed?  Perhaps you have a cavity or a cap has popped off?  Well, in this highly emotional tale, a young child is left with a…Read More