The holidays are a time for family, fun, and food, the three F’s coming together to make for a joyous winter break. While dentists in Missoula, such as Dr. Duke, love the holidays, he wants to remind you to think before you over-indulge.  Yes, we should be taking a break from the busier parts of the year, but please keep in mind, your teeth are taking the hit! Take a look at the few types of treats below we recommend to NOT over-indulge on.

Candy canes, of course

Whether they are on the tree, in a bowl or grandma brought them over for the whole family, keep the amount to a minimum. Our missoula dentist understands, this may be a trying task since theses all-sugar treats come out only once a year. Be strong!  Wait, did he just says,”all-sugar treats”? Yes, and quite disappointing, but candy canes are actually 100% sugar based. Essentially the entire treat is sugar. As we have discussed in past topics, sugar isn’t simply crystals, but coatings of acid. After a glass or two of eggnog, you may feel a bit tired on the couch for a few hours; this is when the acid attacks. Keep the candy canes to a minimum or, better yet, on the tree.

Popcorn, but not your normal popcorn, the one which comes in tubs

Again, we chose another holiday treat which hits the hearts of many people in America: Popcorn tubs. These delicious delights come in a variety of flavors: Cheese, caramel, butter, you name it! Even though it is Christmas, popcorn is generally not good for healthy teeth. Our Top Rated Local® Missoula Dentist wants to remind everyone popcorn will not only get stuck in your molars or in-between your teeth, but can also wear down your protective enamel coating. Just a friendly word of advice: Keep this to a few handfuls, and once you have, be sure to brush your teeth! Flossing is also imperative with this tasty treat.

Caramel corn, caramel apples, and caramels

Sticky, gooey, and overall sensationally delicious; not only does the caramel family show up during the holidays, but they show up in force. Talk about all types of caramel treats: Caramel apples, caramel sauce, caramel ice cream toppings, caramel apples, caramel fudge, homemade caramels – the options go on and on! However, did you know, like popcorn, caramel can get stuck in your teeth and can become a long-term problem? With the amount typically consumed during the holidays, your saliva glands have a hard time keeping up, which can keep it against your teeth and gums for quite a while.

Keep your mouth healthy this holiday.  Call Dr. Duke if you need to set a dental appointment.  He would be happy to help!