Dental care, in respect to food, begins with what you put in your body. Clearly, the less sugary foods can help keep your pearly whites white. At Bitterroot Dental, we want to not only clean your mouth, but ensure your teeth stay clean. Knowledge on certain food types can help considerably in the fight against plaque. Your Missoula dentist offers a few types of food to stay away from below.

Sugary Snacks Include Sugar?

It’s a no-brainer, sugary snacks are caked in sugar.  In theory, when you eat these sugary snacks, your teeth end up getting coated in sugar. This coating is either kept on your teeth for hours or immediately brushed off. The more sugar your children eat throughout the day, the larger the film or the coating on their teeth and mouth.  If at all possible, consume sugar-free products or eat only a small amount of sugary snacks during a meal.

Dried Fruit & Fruit Juices

When people think fruit, they usually think healthy and good for you.  While this may be true, Dr. Duke wants to reiterate, these also have high amounts of sugar and acid. Did you know through processing, most dried fruit actually doubles in sugar levels? Most vegetables serve as a fantastic alternative for snacking. Whether vegetable juice or vegetables from the ground, your dentist will thank you for choosing these snacking alternatives. Do yourself a favor and ensure you are not damaging your teeth with extra sweet or acidic fruits that promote plaque and cavity growth.

Gummy Snacks – Go figure

After fruit, go figure that gummy snacks are not the best for your teeth. We understand, its almost impossible to not snack on these guys when they are presented, but think about your teeth first. Not only are these bad boys made of sugar and gelatin, but they leave behind particles that will likely remain with your child’s teeth until their next dentist appointment. Gummy snacks, while tasty, are simply not good for your gums or your teeth.

Contact our Missoula dentist for appointment availability or more information today!