The Science Behind Family Dentistry

With strange and fascinating dentistry innovations on the rise, it’s natural to assume that genetic research will make a difference in dentistry, as it does in all medical areas. The main area that dentistry is focusing on in regard to genetics is epigenetics. But in order to understand the application of these genetic innovations, you’ll have to understand the basics of genetics.

At this time, it is understood that while some genes that are present can affect how a person reacts to environmental factors throughout their life that will affect the progression of their dental hygiene. While there are no genetic tests as of yet that can determine your likelihood of acquiring certain oral diseases, that’s where epigenetics plays a part. Epigenetics is defined as “the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expressions, rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.”

This could be the only true application of genetics to dentistry that will prove viable as a study. This is due to the fact that most common oral diseases are not inherited as a single gene abnormality, but instead from environmental interactions. While these genes are all passed down through Mendelian Inheritance, which is the term used when referring to the passing of genes via recessive and dominant, as well as in regard to sex-linked inheritance.

Understanding The Application Of Epigenetics

The idea of manipulating your epigenetic changes is not, necessarily speaking, an old one. It’s the same notion behind over exercising because the rest of your family gains weight easily. In another instance, it could be a person faithfully avoiding smoking and other tobacco products because they’ve had three family members with lung or esophagus cancer. When you apply the idea to family dentistry it becomes a slightly different topic. While genes cannot predict whether or not you are receptible to more costly and taxing diseases of the mouth like periodontal disease or temporomandibular joint pain, it can predict the likelihood of you developing other issues. If you have a father that’s prone to cavities, for instance, and you live a similar lifestyle to him, you are likely to experience a higher number of cavities than the average person that lives the same sort of lifestyle.

Epigenetics And Family Dentistry

This entire principal optimizes the idea of family dentistry. If we can assess how your lifestyle has affected certain oral ailments you’ve experienced, then we can lessen the likelihood of your children suffering the same thing. If you’re prone to crowns, we can work to discover the causes, the genetic predisposition, and find what factors set off these reactions. We’re fascinated by dental innovations, especially science-based innovations that bring larger subject’s attention to the relevance of oral care. As a family dentist, we’re immensely excited to see how this trend and research expands so that we can help parents provide a better life for their children. With luck, your ailments will never have to be experienced by your children.

If you’re interested in relieving some of your oral care issues, call Bitterroot Dentistry, we’d be proud to lessen your pain and get to the bottom of any problem you’re having. Contact us for information about cosmetic dentistry, like veneers, as well as your concerns about your oral health. Bitterroot wants to make your life easier as your Missoula Dentist.